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Subscription Boxes

Need to know about our subscription boxes?

When will I receive my next order?

You can track your delivery schedule in your customer portal. You can log into your portal here:

How do I change my shipping address or billing information?

You can change your shipping or billing address in your customer portal. To log into your portal, click here:

Can I cancel my subscription?

You can cancel you subscription anytime*!. To cancel your subscription, log into your account with the email you placed your order with. From there, click "Manage Subscriptions" and press cancel. *UPDATED 5/8/23*. This update is from another part of

Can I recycle my box?

10000000% YES! Please recycle your box!

Can I customize my box?

For the mystery box, you can request things such as characters, movies, and more! We will accommodate as much as we can!

I got duplicate merch

Sometimes this  happens. If you get duplicate merchandise in your box, please send us a message and let us know which duplicates you got, and we will work with you to make magic!

How do I manage my subscription?

You can log into your account and at the top of the screen there will be a button that says, "Manage Subscriptions". From there you can add a product, swap products, skip a subscription, and cancel!. To login, click here:

Multiple Subscriptions

UPDATE 6/15/23. If you have multiple subscriptions going to the same address, the same email address, or the same name, we will contact you to find out the best way to ship all the packages to you. Until we get a response, we will not ship your packa